Time Series Analysis and Forecasting

Time Series Analysis and Forecasting


No matter what the forecasting problem is, If there is some time dependency, then you know it - the answer is: Time Series Analysis

Classes : 60                  Days : 6 months                  Duration : Weekdays / Weekends

This Time Series Analysis and Forecasting Training, will elevate your subject expertise to a whole new level.

Depending upon their interest and expertise, students have the option to choose R or Python for this training,

The heart of the training is general forecasting models. We'll talk about creating AutoCorrelation and Partial AutoCorrelation charts and using them in conjunction with powerful ARIMA based models, including Seasonal ARIMA models and SARIMAX to include Exogenous data points. Students shall learn about state of the art Deep Learning techniques with Recurrent Neural Networks that use deep learning to forecast future data points.

We have created a time series training that is not only timeless but also packed with plenty of exercises and resources. This shall cover applications such as:

- Time series forecasting of stock prices and stock returns
- Time series forecasting of inventory and sales data
- Time series analysis of Economic forecasting and budgetary analysis

Unfortunately learning material on Time Series Analysis is quite technical and needs tons of prior knowledge to be understood. Only motivation and the desire to learn the subject, won't land you there. No wonder, why these are one of the highest paid jobs. We shall execute the training in a highly structured and organized way. The training is comprehensive in itself.

Equipped with a multidisciplinary background, Experts from the field of Maths, Data Science and Management, each with over 25 years of International experience working in EU/US/Australia

Who this training is for:

- Business analysts looking to improve their forecasting skills and techniques
- Data scientists interested in applying time series analysis and forecasting to business problems
- Marketing professionals looking to forecast future demand for products or services
- Financial analysts seeking to forecast future trends and performance for businesses
- Operations managers looking to improve demand planning and forecasting for their organization
- Programmers who want to specialize in finance
- Finance graduates and professionals who need to better apply their knowledge in Data Science
- PhD students who wish to incorporate future market trends and techniques in their research

So what are you waiting for! Learn how to work with time series data and forecast the future!

- Decent Data manipulation and visualization techniques using Python or R
- Familiarity with Machine Learning algorithms and their usage
- Probability
- NB: No prior skills with time series is required

During this specialized training, the students shall be exposed to various Econometrics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning: methods, tools and techniques used by the industry, such as:

- ETS and Exponential Smoothing
- Holt's Linear Trend Model
- Holt-Winters Model
- ACF and PACF
- Machine Learning Models
- Deep Learning Models (ANN, RNN)
- GRUs and LSTMs for Time Series Forecasting
- AR (autoregressive model)
- MA (moving-average model)
- ARMA (autoregressive-moving-average model)
- ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving average model)
- ARIMAX (autoregressive integrated moving average model with exogenous variables)
- SARIA (seasonal autoregressive moving average model)
- SARIMA (seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average model)
- SARIMAX (seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average model with exogenous variables)
- ARCH (autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model)
- GARCH (generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model)
- VARMA (vector autoregressive moving average model)


Fabulous NLP + ML course

I have eleven plus years of experience taking training courses. I do not usually complete surveys.
Your instructor was excellent, the best I've experienced on a software subject, and I couldn't imagine him doing a better job of seamlessly walking students through a breadth of information for such complex subject like AI and ML. he did a fabulous job pacing everything and addressing student questions. I am very impressed.


Excellent ML course!

The course was well structured and easy to understand. Good pace of learning.
The institute believes to provide knowledge as well as guidance in detail to each & every student.
I completed my ML course from the institute. Their international exp does help a lot !
Thanks for the training sir.

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